
Showing posts from September, 2017

Point of Contraflexure

In this bending moment diagram being our union We bend in different ways due to external forces in our lives Flactuating ups and downs across our life span Weakest at the center where personalities colide My love for you is the Point Of Contraflexure. Macdonald Thipe

What if Jesus Christ was alive?

What if Jesus Christ was alive?… In human form… His presence… Discoverable in 4 senses of the human body The fifth one I’ll leave out I don’t want to commit blasphemy His Christian Intelligence Army at the forefront of the verbal war against Atheists “JESUS_CHRIST_WORLDWIDE” His official account “SON OF MEN” his bio Instagram verified with over 6 Billion followers The selfie he posted earlier was captioned The promise keeper, Lion of Judah Near Sandton. Black tweeter would feast on Him daily Service delivery visually low with increasing demand The People’s patience and faith running low Blessers rubbing poverty in their faces Hotel hopping with their daughters and girlfriends. # BringBackMyMom # LordPleaseBlessUsWIthAChild # HeWasStillABabyWhyDidYouHaveToTakeHim ? # SheJustGraduatedFromUniversityHowCruelCouldYouBe # HeWasTheOnlyParentIHadLeftWhatDidIDoToYou ? would be trending for years now Because good deeds don't trend.... Thipe Macdonald


The girls who went ahead of the envoy to tell Ntswaki the bad news got to the river but there was no sign of her. They looked around, up and down the stream but Ntswaki was nowhere to be seen. When they were all ready to give up, one of the girls saw grass moving as though something is hiding there. They got curious and they decided to go and check. They were all scared but curiosity got the better of them. They got there and they couldn’t believe what they saw with their eyes. Ntswaki was not there, they only found a full bucket of water. The girls were Nthati, Lerato and Maipato. They were her childhood friends but their characters were very different from hers. I will tell you more about them at a later stage. “Jonna mme weee!!!”, Lerato whispered. They were now worried that something bad might have happened to her. “Eseng Ntswaki o ipolaile lona? Mohlomong hona le motho ya fihlileng a mo phethela taba tse?”, Nthati asked with her eyes wide open and sparkling as though she was abou...


Good day good people For those who have been wondering where i'm going with this Book/Page, I'm going to try and explain it. This is a book about a time back in Africa where only black people inhabited Africa. The plot is in South Africa, that's all I can share for now. The people in those days lived knowing that they are the only form of human species on earth. The only people they knew who were different where albinos and those who were speaking different languages. As tim e went by, something that shocked them and left them in fear happened.The rest you will find out as the story unfolds.... I believe this book is going to solve the biggest problem we have in Africa being SOCIAL SEGREGATION. Normally this problem is solved by SOCIAL ENGINEERING. Social engineering is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of society. With this story I believe it can be achieved.